20/02/95 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 20/5/74
Only the children who are seated on Baba's heartthrone are the fortunate ones.
What is BapDada seeing today? Today, He is seeing the rosary of the children who are multimillion times fortunate and have the fortune of happiness. He is very happy on seeing the speciality of every bead of the rosary. Just as Babais happy to see the elevated fortune of the children, so too, do you constantly remain happy on seeing your hundredfold fortune? Can you constantly see the star of fortune sparkling in front of you? Or, does the star of fortunesometimes hide away from you? The star of fortune does not change just as physical stars sometimes change their position, does it? There is only one star that does not change its position. Are you such a star? That is, are you a starwho has determined thoughts. In this world, you call such a star the North Star. So, have you become those who have such determined faith in the intellect, those who are constantly stabilised in a constant stage and multimilliontimes fortunate? Or are you still becoming that? Do you bring the expansion of your great fortune into your awareness? What are the signs and attainments of the great fortune? Do you know them? Those who have allattainments are said to be those who have the fortune of happiness. Do you lack anything in attaining all theattainments? In life, the main attainments are elevated relationships, elevated connections, true love and all types ofwealth and success. Check all these five main aspects in yourself. With whom have you forged a relationship?Throughout the entire kalpa, can you attain a relationship more elevated that this one? In relationships, the main thingis to have an eternal relationship. All relationships with the eternal Father are eternal. Did you ever find arelationship through which you were able to attain the attainment of all relationships? So, are you complete with allrelationships?
Secondly, connection means company, that is, a companion. Why do you have a companion? Why do you have a connection and with whom do you have a connection? You have a companion at a time of need, at a time of difficulty, for support and cooperation, for bringing happiness into your mind when going through an unhappy stage,and to share your unhappiness. Did you find such a true companion or such elevated connections for which you had kept this aim? Such a companion who is altruistic, who does not have any favouritism, who is eternal and who ispowerful? Did you ever find such a companion? Or, can you find such relationships? What company is rememberedas the eternal, true and elevated company? Have you found the true company and relationship with Parasnath, theLord of Divinity, the One who changes iron into real gold, or are you still missing this? Have you found this or areyou going to find this? Is it that you have found it, but that you are still attempting to recognise it? Since you havefound the Company, after having found the Company, why do you sometimes move away from that Companion?Why do you become mischievous in fulfilling the responsibility of your company? Sometimes, you even play gamesof sulking. Is it that you play this game so that your Companion can come and make up to you? Or, is it that thechildren have the sanskars of playing games? Do you think in this way and thereby continue to play these gamesunder the influence of these sanskars? Do you like this game? Speak! Is it that you like it and this is why you aredoing it? However, what do you lose in this game? Do you know this? Whilst you are still playing this game, youcannot meet your true Companion. So, whilst playing games, you miss out on the meeting. For so long, you havebeen calling out with a pure desire for there to be a meeting between the Father and the children, and you also knowfor how long this meeting can take place, that it is only for a short time, and even then, by playing games you wastethis meeting of such a short time! Will you get this time again? So now, finish playing these games. All of you arein the stage of retirement. Does it seem right for those who are in the stage of retirement to play these games?
Just observe yourself as a detached observer: whether you have constantly attained the true Companion, the elevated connections and the elevated company.
Thirdly, there is love. Have you not yet attained the love of all relationships? Have you not yet become experienced in this yet? Are you lacking anything in the love of all relationships? In order to fulfil this, you need one particularthing. If you do not have this, then even whilst receiving love, you are not able to experience it. What is the mainmethod to attain true love and the love of all relationships with One? What main things are essential in order to attain your rights? "To belong to the one Father and none other". Is this slogan in your life, in your thoughts and also practically? Not just in thoughts, but in the practical form also. Do you belong to the one Father and none other?Only then can you experience true love and love of all relationships. Are you easily able to attain all attainments inyour wealth and everything that Baba spoke about? Are you the ones who have such fortune of happiness that you donot lack anything? Whilst knowing this, accepting this and following it, why do you sometimes forget the star ofyour fortune?
BapDada is happy to see the star of your fortune and also praises you. He turns the beads of the rosary of suchfortunate children every day. Have you become such beads who are remembered by the Father? It is not a big thingto become a bead of the rosary of victory, but it is a great fortune to be a bead that is remembered by the Father.When you are seated on the throne of having such fortune or on Baba's heartthrone, why do you get off the throne?Baba has given His children the crown of responsibility of this elevated task. After wearing such a crown, you takeoff your crown and what do you replace it with? What would happen if you keep this picture and also the picture ofyour being seated on the throne with a crown? Which picture would you prefer? You would like the picture of being seated on the throne whilst wearing a crown, would you not? You like the picture of being seated on the throne,whilst wearing a crown, and yet you do the other! You take off the crown, and you carry instead a heavy basket ofwasteful thoughts and wasteful words. You become crownless! Since you do not even like to see such a picture andwhilst seeing it, you become merciful, why do you place this burden on your head? So continue to move along whilstbeing and considering yourself to be so fortunate. Do you understand?
Achcha, to those who have all relationships, connections and love for the One; to those who constantly remain full ofall the imperishable wealth; to those who fulfil the responsibility of true companionship; to those children whomaintain the awareness of belonging to the one Father and none other, BapDada's love, remembrances, good morningand namaste.
Blessing: May you be knowledgefull and move forward with a fast speed on the basis of knowing the account ofeffort and its reward.This is the time of creating a long period of reward through making effort. Therefore, be knowledgefull and continueto move forward with a fast speed. In this, do not think: "If not today, I will change tomorrow". This is calledcarelessness. Until now, BapDada has been the Ocean of Love and has been making you children move forward bygiving you extra marks and extra help even whilst seeing and hearing of your carelessness and ordinary effort. Nowbecome knowledge full and take benefit of the blessing of maintaining courage and receving help.Slogan: Those who become slaves to matter become unhappy. Therefore, you have to become the conquerors ofmatter.
Sweet message from Avyakt BapDada for the Conference 9th February, 1995
Today, at amrit vela, as I reached BapDada carrying the love and remembrances of all of you, BapDada was smilingvery sweetly. Whilst smiling and celebrating a meeting, Baba said: Come, My child, one who is stable on the seat ofbeing trikaldarshi, come. I was smiling and so Baba said: Child, how lovely is the seat of the stage of beingtrikaldarshi. If, whilst preforming every action, you are stable on the seat of being trikaldarshi, you are easily able toaccomplish all tasks. Baba then asked me for the news: Is everything all right? I continued to smile. I then said toBaba: Baba, You make us fluctuate a lot and after that, you also show us success. Baba said: This is not shaking you,but just as oil is poured onto fire to intensify it, so too, whatever happens inbetween are the byplots to intensify thefire of deep love. I said: These byplots are good, but of course, there would be thoughts about them. However, Babasaid: Something or another will definitely come to intensify the fire of deep love. But in that too, benefit is mergedfor the future. This is why when you remain stable on the seat of being trikaldarshi, you are able to understand thebenefit in the future as clearly as though it were the present. You children only look at the present and therefore, yousometimes feel it difficult. However, even if the present is of fluctuation, there is benefit merged in it, becauseBapDada has given the blessing that whatever is happening and whatever is going to happen will be very, very good.This is why Baba said: Establishment is guaranteed for you children, so too, victory is also guaranteed. This is whyyou children are the carefree emperors, but Baba shows these scenes and byplots. You children should just remainseated on the throne of being a carefree emperor and watch everything.
The conference is like a circus today and success is guaranteed. All those who are going to come to the conferenceare of good quality and these souls can be instrumental for the expansion of service. The leaders do not have time;they wish to cooperate but they do not have the time. But the quality of these souls is that they can constantly be cooperative with you. And so, Baba gave congratulations to the children for everything that had already been accomplished and also gave a signal that all the children have done as much as they can in terms of love and cooperation and they have been cooperative with their body, mind and wealth. The sign of love is that all the children have become cooperative. But together with love and co operation, there has to be power. The percentage of love and cooperation is greater than the percentage of power. Whenever two things are to be mixed together, they have to have an equal percentage. So now, in the balance of love, cooperation and power, the percentage of power is a little less than the other two. This is why all the children who have come for this conference have to pay special attention to becoming the embodiment of power. The method to become the destroyer of obstacles is to be the embodiment of power. This is why you now need to be the embodiment of power; this is why you have to be the destroyer of allobstacles. You have become very good servers, but now, the stage of being the destroyer of obstacles is needed even more. For this, you, the ones who are the embodiment of power, continue to receive power from Baba. This is Baba's signal and Baba constantly makes us children move forward with this signal. Then Baba said: Multimillion fold love and remembrances and congratulations from Baba to all the children who have come. Congratulations in advance for the service also. But now, Baba will see the revelation of the embodiment of power, practically.
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